Cash from Old Sliverware

Even today, sliver has not lost its shine. Not only gold and diamonds, but also silver markets have gone so far in some recent past. Often at our home, we find much of silver remained unused for long time. Nobody would like to serve the dinner in such old sterling silverware as it seems old fashioned.

Not only, the dinner set, many other types of nu-noticed and not in use silver pieces are always at homes like, silver necklaces, earrings, silver tableware, cutlery, picture frames, silver pens, cigarette cases and candlesticks. There is no fun in preserving this metal for so many years ahead.

Such type of household silver seems to be useless. But there is a high demand in market for antique silver of all types like silver trays, tea sets, flatware, ladies items and candlesticks. This antique silver can be more valuable than their silver content would indicate. The silver pieces which you consider useless can get a high amount of cash back to you. But this is possible only if you sell it with care.

  1. First of all, you have to be very clear that the antique pieces you own are of sterling silver or just silver plated.
  2. Have a deep research about the hallmark and the originality of the silver.
  3. Take your antique asset to any reputable antique silver seller or an appraiser to determine the actual worth of the metal. The seller or appraiser must be a reliable one. There is no shortage of spammers in the market.
  4. Take your beautiful antique pieces to any antique shop and see if they buy it. Doing so, you can prevent them for scrapping, after all it’s your old asset, and you surely not like to see it being melted and remolded.
  5. After finding any suitable buyer for your silver, make a proper judgment about the price they offer.

Once you have all this information, you can then make an educated decision about what to do with the items.