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Silver items are precious although, not as gold, but you can get a good amount by selling them. There might be few silver items lying aimlessly in your  closet. It might be a brooch your grandmother gifted you, or silver set locked up in your wardrobe. You can always sell the silver items you don’t […]

Jewelry is most precious. Many families have heirlooms made of gold, silver, diamonds and other precious metals and gemstones. These belongings may turn out of fashion. Sometimes they are damaged beyond repair. In such a case, they spend the rest of their lives in a locked box. Today, with the price of gold on the […]

These days many of us are fascinated by online jewelry buyers. This option looks very reliable, but finding the right online jewelry store is really tough. There are hundreds of such on the Internet interested to buy your old jewelry at the highest payouts. Here are the few tips that help you find the right […]

In times of crisis, we find ways to earn money to pay our bills, and get out of the emergency situation. Today, in this tough economy, when jobs are also scarce, we sometimes have to find other means to take care of our families. With the prices of gold soaring day by day, we think […]

Gold is the most popular as an investment from all the precious metals. Gold prices have shown a long term correlation with the price of crude oil; this is the reason why gold is sold out during the economic crisis. Today, the prices of gold are at the highest, and there is no better time […]